Look who's 10 months old today! I can't believe Jack will be a year old in two months! The first few months were such a rocky road for me. Jack was a very fussy baby, I was trying to juggle two kids, have a business in my home while on maternity leave, and pretend everything was fine with me! I use to say I was riding the bipolar roller coaster. Around month 5, Jack turned a corner and became such a happy baby! He started laughing, smiling, and crawling! He is almost walking, and climbs on and off the couch like it's his business!
Lock up your daughters ladies, here comes Jack!
Jack with my baby photo :)
He likes to sit with the big kids at lunch :)
He has been such an added joy to our family!
For those of you who see him often, you know how he has his devilish streak! We actually call him the menace, as in Dennis the menace! If we say menace, even Peter call him that, Jack will turn and laugh!
He are a few thing he has been busy doing as he approaches 10 months old!
Trying to grab a munchkin, evidently he thought it was rude we didn't offer him one!
He ALWAYS goes for Bela's dishes!
He thinks it's funny to try and pull stuff out of the dishwasher while you're trying to load it! He is such a trouble maker!
I'm going to say the can felt cool on his teething gums, but I really think he was trying to steal a beer! I mean come on... his middle name is Murphy :)
Grabbing my camera while I'm trying to take photos :)
He climb onto a chair, then climbed to the top of the chair to try and grab an ornament! This was one of his favorite pastimes the month of December! See the basketball ornament on the tree to the right? He succeeded in getting that, and laughed when I grabbed it from him!
wrestling with Peter! They love to do this!

Doesn't seem possible it's been 10 months...! He's such a doll. I can appreciate the menace! I had one and could write a book about him (Ryan <3).