Does this kid look excited for school?! After a yummy breakfast with waffles(you can still see syrup under his left eye) his buddy Gideon arrived just as excited to go to preschool with Peter!
Gideon & Emily! Peter will be going with his friends Gideon & Landon :)
Arriving at Prides Corner Nursery School!
The boy in their classroom :)
Giving one last hug before I go ;(
The boys playing... you can see they were so upset we were leaving!
Shannon, Emily and I all went to the same school for preschool! Us Moms, had a harder time leaving then the boys, haha! As a Mom, it was bittersweet for me. Peter was having fun and happy to start this new adventure with his friends!

Aww! I am so not looking forward to this day! That is really neat that you all went to the same preschool!