It's Thanksgiving morning and it's been a crazy one! We went over to our friends, The Brewer's house last night and I waited until this morning to make the apple pies. We got to see Nonni & Aunt Laura on skype already this morning and they got to witness the fight of Jack trying to steal Peter's breakfast and Pete having to break them up! While cooking our traditional cinnamon buns we always have on Thanksgiving morning, I also decide to make a batch of oyster crackers. It's busy around here and I'm loving it! My Dad and Jan are coming over for cocktails and pies at noon, then we'll end over to Pam & Joe's for Thanksgiving dinner around 4. As I watch the boys enjoy their breakfast, I feel so blessed!
I am so thankful for so many things this morning!
1. FIRST and foremost, my boys! Pete, Peter & Jack. I thank God. Every. Day. I truly feel there are no words to describe how much these three mean to me. They bless and fill my life so much. To my boys... THANK YOU :)
2. Our extended family. We are truly blessed with a wonderful support system. I have loved watching our parents transform into grandparents. My boys are blessed with three sets. They all bring something wonderful into our lives. Sisters, we have 4, who are there when we need them, are fun Aunts and great friends. Great brother-in-laws. Nieces and Nephews that have brought joy to our lives and who I love watching grow. To all our family... THANK YOU :)
3. Friends. I've got some great ones! I have laughed so hard with all of them, prayed with them that a illness or scare will be OK, gotten giddy over pregnancy news, welcomed children into our lives and cried when a wonderful Mom lost her own wonderful Mother. I have the ones that I can call at 3am if needed and I hope they know they can always call me. To our my friends... THANK YOU :)
4. Our Troops. There are so many men, women and families who are sacrificing their holiday today, so we can enjoy ours. To all of you... THANK YOU :)
5. My home. We bought this and our famous last words... "We'll be here 5 years... max." We'll we've been here a little over 4, and we won''t be leaving here anytime soon. And, I've become OK like that. I am blessed to own our home, it may be small, and often times messy, but it has created so many wonderful memories for us. We have been blessed with great neighbors who have become friends. To my three bedroom ranch... THANK YOU:)
6. Feels Like Home. My daycare. I get to laugh everyday because of the wonderful kids who come here daily. I get to dance, play, color and sing, everyday. I get to be with my boys. To all my fablous kids and parents who come through these doors... THANK YOU :)
7. My laptop. I know it seems kind of silly BUT...because of it, I can skype, blog, and do many other things with it. LOVE skype, we get to see and talk to family that don't live close by. Blogging is great. I love writing my own and recording our family memories. Because of blogging, I have reconnected with people I went to high school with and meet others. To my Lenovo laptop.... THANK YOU :)
There is so much more I am thankful for, I could go on and on but those are the biggies. I just want the people in our lives to know how incredibly thankful we are for all of them. Tell the people in our lives you love them now, life is precious and you never know when it will be goodbye.
I have just put the pie in the oven, I look at the mess in the kitchen ready to be cleaned. Peter yells from the living room, "Momma, look, Buzz!" He has just seen Buzz Lightyear previewed in the opening credits of the parade and can't contain his excitement. My heart swells and I decided the mess can wait. I'm going to snuggle with my boys, be excited to see Buzz along with my son and count my all the wonderful blessings in our life. Happy Thanksgiving!

You've just brought tears to my eyes. Enjoy every minute of those snuggles because before you know it they are grown. Love to you all on Thanksgiving and hope you have a wonderful day <3