While Pete headed up to camp for hunting, the boys and I decided to go visit Laura for the long weekend! I left early afternoon on Thursday so that we arrived in time for dinner! We had such a great weekend and took so many photos that we'll have to break the trip up into a few posts. As soon as we got there, Peter was very excited to play with Dylan and his friend Will!
Auntie feeding Jack before he goes to sleep.
In their jammie's :)
Lola, Jack, Dylan, & Peter
The next morning, while Laura headed off to work, I went to my bestie Cristina's house for a visit!! We had such a nice morning. It was her daughter Liliana's 2nd birthday, so we made cupcakes!
Happy Birthday Lily!!!
Can't believe I let Emilia use my camera, but I really wanted a photo of Cristina and I!!
Lily and Jack playing together :)
We managed to get all 4 kids together in one shot!
After we left Cristina's, we headed back to meet up with Laura, and Lola and headed over to The Christmas Place.... that's part two :)

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