Last Saturday was another busy day for us! On Saturday mornings we go to a Music Together class. Some of you might remember our experience with the last music class we took. This class is great!! We'll be signing up again next session, Peter loves it! Because of Halloween, the kids got to dress up for last week's class!
Peter and Jack with their friends Gideon Buzz Lightyear and Violet Elmo. Peter was happy to wear his monster costume until he say his buddy. Needless to say, I went shopping the next day to get a Buzz costume he could wear when we took the daycare kids trick or treating.
with my little chicken :)
Peter out of costume and enjoying music class!
Violet and Jack.. they get into trouble at daycare and music class!
After music class, the boys and I headed right up to Farmington so the boys could meet their new cousin! I have driven to Farmington A LOT lately, LOL!
Jack is not the youngest cousin anymore, meeting Allie!
of course Peter had to show Allie his tractor!
with my little sisters :)
the playroom/waiting room was right next to Nicole room which made it was easy with all the kids!
Jack, Lola & Allie
Nonni & Poppi with the crew!
Peter loved this wagon! Dylan was a good sport in taking them for multiple laps around the birth unit!
How cute!!

Precious photos as usual! Loving the costumes and the new cousin! :)