1. Saturday, Pete and I help his Dad and sister remove a ton of brush into the wood chipper. This weekend we'll be spilting the wood for the wood stove!
2. Gwen & Allie spent the weekend at Nonni & Poppi's so we got to spend some time with them :)
3. My Aunt Patty came up from MA on Tuesday so I headed up to my Mom's for a girls night!
4. Our new couch arrived! This is where you will find Pete every Sunday until Feb. haha!
5. My Dad came over on Thursday to fix the backyard, yay! The boys LOVED watching!
6.7.&8. Yesterday, I took a couple hours off in the morning so I could spend some quality time with my boys :) We went to Deering Oaks to play on the playground and feed the ducks. We all had a great morning, love being able to spend time like that with them.

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