After our gardening experience this summer, we decided to move the shed to create a garden there. It gets the best sunlight besides the hill. Now with plans to build an addidtion, it was a great idea to move it!
The new shed site, behind the garage.
Pete thought that he might be able to move it with his truck....
....he was wrong. He just created a mess in the backyard!
About a month after Pete tried with the truck, my Dad brought down his tractor to help. The boys were excited to see the tractor arrive!
After they realized the ground was still not frozen, they had to think up a new plan!
In the middle of the move, they had to use pipes and 2x4 to help roll it across the yard.
the boys watching with Grammy.
That area looks so much bigger now!
The shed in its new spot!

"Plans to build an addition," I love it!!!!