Day one we spent a majority of it traveling, all the kids and adults did great! Laura, Chris and the kids were going out of Boston, with 10 of us traveling together it went really smooth!
Gwen, Jack and Peter were very excited to see our plane arrive!
The boys were AWESOME!! We got many compliments for there behavior... my advice to parents with young travelers, a blow pop can be very entertaining! It kept Jack occupied the entire first flight!
After an early lunch in Baltimore we boarded for our flight to Orlando. Jack was asleep before we took off...Peter fell asleep five minutes after takeoff :)
How cute are they??!!
"Mom, a train at the airport??!!" I think we could have stayed at the airport for a few days and the boys would have been happy :)
They wanted family to know we made it to Florida safetly :)
In the rental car and ready to get to the Ron Jon Resort!!
We went into vacation mode pretty fast :)

Love the pictures as usual! Looks like you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy and can't wait to hear all about it!