Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Farmington Fair

Every year since Nicole has lived on Maple Ave, I have gone up to the Farmington Fair. Her backyard abuts the fairgrounds, so it's a VERY easy walk to the gate. Since I've had Peter, I go up the first Sunday the fair starts. Nicole's in-laws, Sister-in-law and her kids go that day as well. My mom also came with us this year.

Gwen & Peter enjoyed going on the rides together. The carnie worker at the train was going through a breakdown when we were there and I almost got into a fight with him.. he should not be operating kid rides!

Nicole, Jack... and Allie(at 35 weeks)

LOVE this photo of Gwen!

Peter loved the slide.. the first time we went on he was nervous when we started down... but was loving it halfway down. We went on a few times!

Nate and I enjoyed it as much as the kids!

Nonni stopped to get an ice cream and got a spoon so she could give some to Peter. Somehow he ended up with the ice cream and her with the spoon, haha!

Riding the motorcycles

Jack watching Nonni & Peter on the Carousel.

Gwen & Peter wanted to watch with Jack after they got off!

Went down the slide with Nonni one last time!
Erica, Nicole and I have taken this photo every year since we were pregnant with Peter, Gwen & Trace.

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