This post is LONG overdue! We went to the Cumberland Fair last month but with getting the new laptop, I didn't want to transfer all the photos from the memory card to new computer and was lazy about putting them on snapfish, then saving them to upload to the blog! Finally did it!!!
We love the fair!!! Pete and I have gone at least once every week when it's here since we have dated! This year the boys went three times, with Pete and I each going twice with them! The first night, we all went together and had a great time! Yummy fair food, animals, rides, tractors, big pumpkins... what's not to love!!
Peter was SO HAPPY to be on a tractor!!
He decided to "drive" one that he could give Jack a ride with!
I think Jack liked the tractor just as much a Peter :)
After the tractors, we headed over the the Old MacDonald Petting Zoo. They had chickens, goats, ducks, and sheep. Both the boys like seeing the animals up close like that!
Peter had seen this game when we went to the
Farmington Fair and really wanted to play it, so we let him, with a little help from Mom... he won a green ball :)
To end the night, Daddy & Peter took a ride down the big slide!
LOVE the fair all lit up at night!!!!
The next day, I took the daycare to the fair! All the kids, Danielle & I had a great time! I'll be taking them again next year! Pete took the boys again on Friday night with his parents, when I went to my
alumni weekend. Already looking forward to next year!